Planting Seeds: What If I Don’t See Results

Planting Seeds What If You Don't See Results

Ep. 70. Do you ever feel that you are working and working, but not seeing results? In the meantime, it seems that everything your neighbor touches turns to gold. So why bother? Why keep trying?

Listen today to learn three important truths about work and results. The goal for this podcast is to help you feel satisfied with your efforts and motivated to keep sowing seeds. Thanks for tuning in.

Planting Seeds: The Truth about Work and Results

I.  Not Everything You Plant Will Grow

I have planted so many things that haven’t grown.

In Arizona, our yard was desert landscaped which means a lot of rocks, but I wanted to grow something. Figuring that zucchini will grow anywhere, in any climate and any type of soils, I cleared away a patch of rocks, worked the soil, and planted zucchini. It never really produced. Later, I learned that homes built in Arizona are treated with a termite barrier, and if you dig around the house’ foundation, you violate the barrier. Oops. I hope the people living there now don’t have termite issues.

Every year since moving to Utah, I have attempted to grow peas. When I pull out the pea seeds, my husband asks why I bother planting peas when I can buy a 5 pound bag already shelled from Costco for $5 (and 5 lbs is more than I’ve ever successfully produced from my garden). It’s a legitimate question. For me there are a lot of reasons. For one, peas do well in cooler temperatures and so they’re some of the first vegetables you can plant in the season. By March I am done with winter and hankering to get out a shovel, turn some dirt and get something planted in the earth. And there is something magical about picking a pod off of a plant and not knowing how many peas will be inside when you crack it open. Maybe there will be two but maybe, this pod will have 8 or 9 or 10 peas. My tongue and tummy feel so bounteous when I slide my teeth down the open pod, delivering those fresh, sweet, green garden buttons to my mouth. But more than that, there is something powerful about activating the law of harvest in my life.

But it can be so frustrating when I’ve tilled and toiled and watered and weeded and there are only a few curly sprigs of growth to show for my labors, particularly when I look over the fence into the neighbor’s yard and see that their crops are thriving.

It can be easy to think that people have a green thumb and everything they touch shoots up like Jack’s beanstalk. But this isn’t true.

Last year, my cub scouts came over and helped me plant two rows of carrot seed. We planned to eat healthy, sweet, crunchy carrot sticks for den meetings in August. But not ONE carrot grew!

It can be easy to think that people have a green thumb and everything they touch shoots up like Jack’s beanstalk. But this isn’t true. Gardening is a gamble. Not everything you plant will grow. Not everything you cultivate will result in a bumper crop.

The Story of The White House Garden

from the book Becoming by Michelle Obama

II. The Harvest Takes Time

Story of Katherine Heigel becoming an actress.

III.  The Glory Days of the Harvest are Brief

The best example that ties all three principles together is my peach tree. Some years, my peach tree yields bushels and bushels of sweet, delicious fruit. Other years, due to late frost or insects, we have no peaches. But even during a year of bumper crop, all those peaches are ready at the same time. We only have a period of two to three weeks to eat all those peaches fresh before they are gone. I always wish I could change this and spread the harvest out so we could eat fresh peaches all summer, but this is the way of the harvest. And as soon as the peaches are gone, it’s time to fertilize the tree, mulch the soil, and begin preparing for the next harvest. We work 11 months to care for the tree for 1 month of fruit. Sounds about right.


When I get frustrated and ready to give up, I’ve learned my frustration is usually because I’m focussing too much on results, especially if I’m comparing my results to the results of others. What works best is for me to focus on my efforts and leave the results to God. There are so many factors outside of my control, but I can control my effort. I know that if I keep sowing, keep working, eventually something will grow.

3 Common Mental Health Mistakes Pt 2

Maleah Warner Power Podcast image Mental Health Solutions

Today’s episode continues the discussion about common mistakes we make when responding to mental health issues. Join us to learn how fear is fertilizer for mental health issues and how forcing the “get well” can also exacerbate problems. 


Fear is fertilizer when it comes to mental health issues.

Why is our first instinct to be afraid of mental health?

Because, mental health has been horribly stigmatized in movies and in society. The problems is lumping everyday mental health issues under the same umbrella as insanity or psychosis. It’s time to end the belief that a mental health disorder equates to being crazy. Additionally, it’s time to end the assumption that a mental health disorder is a character weakness or bad behavior.

#3 Forcing the Get Well

Our human tendency is to fix anything that’s broken. On the surface, this sounds like a noble effort. But what about when broken is beautiful? What about if broken is just right.

Our instinct to rush in to repair anything that’s broken may send a message that our loved ones aren’t enough as they are. We have human bodies and human brains, and often our to-do lists far exceed our human ability. When we fall short, we feel frustrated with ourselves for not being able to perform at a higher level. What if life isn’t about productivity? What if life is about presence? What if you have a period of time when you can only function at 50% of normal? That’s okay! What if you feel yucky? That’s okay. You can feel yucky and still be a good mom. You may not be a Pinterest mom. That’s okay! You’re children don’t want a the Pinterest version of you, they want the real YOU.


Ep. 68 3 Common Mental Health Mistakes Part 1:

Brain on Fire by Susan Cahalan: Book or Film

Misdiagnosed Mental Illness Ep. 18:

Film: A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

Untamed by Glennon Doyle: Book


3 Common Mental Health Mistakes

3 Common Mental Health Mistakes

Ep. 68 What are the three most common mistakes we make regarding mental health issues? Join the podcast to learn how our instinct to respond by ignoring issues, reacting with fear, or trying to force a recovery actually compound mental health issues. Learn simple things to do instead that will encourage health, build relationships, and end the stigma and shame surrounding mental health issues.

Why You Fight with Your Spouse

Woman and man sitting on park bench having a fight

Ep 67 Why do you fight with the person you love? Today we are talking about the explosive arguments that leave you and your partner feeling emotionally wounded. If you love your spouse and can’t figure out why you fight, this episode will show you the root cause for your arguments. Listen to gain new perspective on what the fight is really about. 


A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle

Becoming by Michelle Obama

Empty Space

Power of Empty Space

Ep. 65 Our human tendency is to be uncomfortable with empty space. An empty house, we want to fill with furniture. Empty bellies we want to fill with food. Empty calendars we want to fill with activity. Listen to the podcast to learn the POWER of EMPTY SPACE.

We live crowded lives, then wonder why we aren’t getting what we want most. Magic happens when we leave space in our lives for new and better things to come. The abundance we seek is abundance that overflows but also leaves room for more abundance. Abundance that is at once overflowing, but uncrowded. Abundance of everything needed with room for more of what may come.

Denmark, Thorvaldsen’s Christus, & Hope

Thorvaldsen's Original Christus

Ep. 64 Two years ago I traveled to Denmark and saw Thorvaldsen’s Original Christus Statue. Join the podcast to hear insights about life I learned from three of my favorite Thorvaldsen sculptures: Goddess of Hope, Thorvaldsen with Statue of Hope, and the Christus. 


Thorvaldsen Museum:

Virtual Tour of Christus and Apostles: Click Here

Audio Descriptions: Click Here

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, Hope: Click Here 



Thorvaldsen's Goddess of Hope
Thorvaldsen with Statue of Hope
Thorvaldsen Museum Plaster Replica Christus
Original Thorvaldsen Christus at Church of our Lady Copenhagen, Denmark

5 Things INCREDIBLES 2 Teaches about Parenting during Coronavirus

Disney Pixar Incredibles 2 Maleah Warner Podcast

Ep. 63 Parenting is hard, even if you have superhuman strength. While many of us are homebound during the coronavirus quarantine, attempting to balance work and homeschooling, the messages of Pixar’s animated film, Incredibles 2, seem especially apropos. Listen today for a fun re-cap of the of how this animated superhero film captures the dynamics of family life and feel better about how INCREDIBLE you are. 

Spiritual Encounters

Trees Field Sunrise

Ep. 62 How do you define spirit and spirituality? The March 16, 2020 headline of the Wall Street Journal reads “Americans Hit Pause Button on Life.” Due to the coronavirus pandemic, America has shutdown its routines and activities: school, work, concerts, sports, worship, and gatherings. We are experiencing an unusual quiet

In the midst of this unplanned pause, my church happens to be commemorating the 200th anniversary of “The First Vision,” the origin event that resulted in the formation of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Today’s podcast discusses how spiritual encounters result most often from moments of quiet and solitude. Is the mandatory “shut-down” an opportunity for us to reboot our lives and to reconnect with spirit? 

Coronavirus: What To Tell Your Kids

What to tell kids about COVID-19

Ep. 61 Coronavirus is leading to closures of schools and cancellations of sporting events, concerts, plays, dance and music competitions and church gatherings. Join the podcast to learn what 3 things NOT to say to kids and 3 things to say when kids are disappointed.