Choice vs Decision

choice versus decision

Ep. 60 Do you make choices or decisions? 

A choice is making a selection between a predetermined set of options. For example, what to wear from your closet or what to order from a menu. A decision is a determination of how you want your life to be. For example, do I want to wear clothes? Will I eat at restaurants? Will I eat at all or go on a hunger strike?

Decisions determine choices.

Often we get stuck on the level of making choices, like choosing a paint color, and forget we have the power to create the life we want by focussing on decisions like What kind of house do I want to live in? 

Listen to the podcast to learn more about making choices or decisions.


Ep 5 Permission to Make Decisions: 

Choice vs Decision by Vico Biscotti:

ME Monster

Maleah Warner Podcast Me Monster

Ep 59 Are you a ME Monster? NO! Do you have a ME Monster? YES! If you are human and you’re breathing, you have a me monster. We all do. Join the podcast to learn three ways to keep your inner ME Monster in check in order to build relationships and strengthen human connection. 


Brian Reagan Me Monster:

How Not to Say the Wrong Thing Article: by Susan Silk and Barry Golman

Out of the Spin Cycle by Jen Hatmaker:

Glimpses into the Life and Heart of Marjorie Pay Hinckley by Virginia Pearce:

Power Question: Why Am I Doing This?

Power of Questions

Ep. 58 Power Question: Why Am I Doing This? Sometimes all it takes to change our perspective is asking the right question. Listen to this episode to learn my favorite question to ask to gain a new perspective. 

Lies of the Magpie Update

LIes of the Magpie

Ep. 57 Lies of the Magpie UPDATE. Join Maleah today for an update on the upcoming publication of her award-winning memoir, Lies of the Magpie. Hear behind-the-scenes details about the editing process and learn why the Lies of the Magpie summer series ended abruptly. Stay tuned for the end to hear a funny true story that didn’t make it into the book. 

Lies of the Magpie UPDATE

7 Weird Things I Do

woman poses in tree

Ep. 56  Do you ever wonder what weird habits, life hacks, and tricks other people use? Today Maleah shares 7 bizarre rituals she uses for health, focus, and energy.

7 Weird Things I Do

Your Blind Spot

How to see past our blindspots

Ep. 53 Do you know you have chronic bad breath? Do people expect that you’ll be late? Does your voice sound more harsh than you intend? The things other people know about you that you don’t know about yourself is your blind spot. We all have blind spots, but we don’t have to live with them. Today’s epsiode discusses how to SEE and CHANGE your BLIND SPOTS. 

What If YOU Are the Problem?

Ep. 52 You know all those people and things who are messing up your life and stopping you from being able to be happy? What if they aren’t the problem? What if YOU are the source of your own unhappiness? Carl Jung said, Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.

What If YOU Are the Problem?

  1. Invitation to look inward first. How am I contributing to the problem?
  2. What is the simple change that I am resisting? The biggest changes in life result from the simplest practices. Yet, simple changes are often met with HUGE resistance.  What do you resist and why?
  3. You are always the center of your circle of influence. The ripple effect cannot be instigated from the outside in. If you want something in your life to change, always begin by changing something in yourself for the positive then watch the ripple effect. 

2020 Vision: Perspective

eye glasses

Ep. 51 Welcome to a new season and a new theme: Power Perspective. Join Maleah this year to learn how to gain new PERSPECTIVE for 2020 VISION. Today Maleah shares how perspective helped her parents 50 years ago to make one of the hardest decisions of their life. They ignored the doctors’ advice to put their “mongoloid” son (the term for Down’s Syndrome in 1966) in an institution and instead brought him home to love and raise him on their own. Maleah shares how their perspective and resulting decision resulted in some of the greatest blessings of her life. 

The Power of Perspective

Maleah’s brother being rudely awakened to the perspective of odd people in wigs surrounding his bed. Happy 40th Big Guy!