Who Invited These Buffalo to Drive My Wagon?

“Creation is always happening. Every time an individual has a thought or a prolonged chronic way of thinking, they’re in the creation process. Something is going to manifest out of those thoughts.” Michael Beckwith

For several years I have practiced conscience, deliberate thinking. This is opposite ofunconscious, automatic thinking which is basically a brain running on autopilot.

I have learned that letting my brain run on autopilot is like letting a herd of stampeding buffalo pull my wagon – my life goes way too fast in too many different directions and hits plenty of unnecessary bumps along the way.

Sometimes my thoughts still get away from me and I fall into old autopilot patterns.

“I have too much to do! I don’t have enough time. I am going to be sooooo busy today.” “What? Another birthday party? I don’t have enough money in the budget to buy another gift.” “My husband never notices or appreciates the things I do. Why am I even married if he doesn’t care a wink about me?”

I don’t know about you, but I got tired and sick of that self-pity party just typing it. Yet, this is a typical pattern of get-away thoughts if I let them run wild.

My daily ride on life’s buckboard is a lot more smooth when I choose to put a couple of well-broken stock horses in the harness. For example:

“I have plenty of time to do the essentials and still have time left over for things I enjoy.”

“I’m glad my kids have good friends. What could we give that he would really enjoy?”

“My husband is amazing. He cleaned up dinner, bathed all the kids, painted mytoenails, and is always available when people need last-minute help.”

The thing about choosing well-trained horses to drive my wagon is that they almost always take me where I want to go. When I let the buffalo drive, I usually find myself on my butt at the bottom of a cliff pulling shreds of smashed wagon board out of my hair.

The hardest part isn’t training the horses; although reigning in wild thoughts does take time and a lot of practice.

For me, the most challenging part is deciding where I want to go. Sometimes its just easier to let the buffalo drive than to take responsibility for the destination I’ve chosen.

This is where I pray for courage to make a choice, break the horses, hitch them to the wagon and holler


“You want to become aware of your thoughts and choose your thoughts carefully and you want to have fun because you are the masterpiece of your own life. You are the Michelangelo of your own life. The David you are sculpting is you.”

Dr. Joe Vitale