I always thought that PTA stood for Parent Teacher Association…
until I went to the State PTA Convention.
I learned that PTA is really a Paper Trail Acronym
that stands for
Papers To Alphabetize
Here’s the proof.
A few months back I got asked to volunteer to serve on next year’s elementary PTA board.
(Which must be similar to being asked to volunteer to stand in front of a firing squad.)
I figured I should take a turn, since I’ve had four of my own urchins at the elementary school this year profiting from everyone else’s volunteer PTA service.
When asked which position I wanted, I quickly spoke for Treasurer, because, frankly, it sounded easy. I own a calculator, I can sign my name, and I figured being Treasurer wouldn’t involve any decorating.
I didn’t think I’d getting a Doctorate degree in
*Misappropriations of Funds
*Night Banking
*Tax Accounting
Not to mention
Trust Lands
Title 1
Grant Writing and Insurance
Why does my PTA need insurance?
If you are a person who would sue the PTA and its individual board members because your child fell off the new play ground equipment they donated to the school last year, will you please step forward to volunteer yourself to stand in front of the firing squad. Seriously.
It took me four days to put away the papers from a two-day convention.
I climbed Mt. Timpanogos in less time.
Wish me luck.
PTA – the Everest of paperwork – Here I come.
* * * * *
p.s. The laundry eventually got put away as well.